Coworking Marketing Trends

with Cat Johnson, Taylor Mason & Reuben Lau.

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Show Notes

As the coworking industry continues to grow and evolve, marketing strategies for coworking spaces must adapt to stay competitive and relevant.

In a special episode of the ⁠This Week in Coworking podcast⁠, host Hector Kolonas from Syncaroo sat down with coworking marketing experts Cat Johnson (⁠Cat Johnson Co⁠), Reuben Lau (⁠Spacefully⁠), and Taylor Mason (⁠Talemaker⁠) to discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities for coworking spaces in 2024 and beyond.

They discuss the shift towards on-demand services, leveraging personal and brand narratives, and the critical role of data and analytics.

Tune in for invaluable insights on how to make your coworking space stand out in 2025 and beyond.

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