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Google Product Expert Amy Toman dives into real-world SEO strategies, the challenges of business Expand 👇 listings, and the power of authentic visuals in the digital arena with Jamie Russo on the Everything Coworking podcast
🧐 Google address management thread for coworking space owners
Coworking space owners often find navigating the address dilemma to safeguard their Google Business Expand 👇 Profiles tricky. In this thread by Amy Toman, a few operators chime in with how they protect their main listing from being ‘taken over’ by member business’ profiles.
ICYMI: I summarized the 2021 change in GBP guidelines for coworking spaces here.

Amy Toman sheds light on some crucial points that every coworking space owner needs to be aware of Expand 👇 concerning Google Business Profiles (GBP) in a discussion with Christy Alexander on the Just Off Glen podcast.
Note: One standout point is the strict prohibition of offering any form of gift, incentive, or reimbursement in exchange for a Google Review. We know it’s tempting to sweeten the deal by offering free drop-in passes or discounts on meeting room bookings for reviews, but beware… if reported, just once, your precious GBP listing could be lost forever.
😳 Did an aggregator add booking links to your Google Maps listings?
Jamie Russo and Amy Toman highlight that some operators are seeing unauthorized booking links on Expand 👇 their Google Maps listings from platforms (in this case Peerspace).
I don’t usually do deep dives. but this one peed me off a little.
Now, it’s only a matter of time before Google Business Profile listings feature a ‘book space’ button that lets searchers pick dates and book on-demand space (much like you can do via opentable/resy/tock/etc for restaurants), but… there’s two major obstacles.

Operators should be able to opt-in (not opt-out) to allowing these booking links from specific platforms. As SEO/word-of-mouth drives a huge proportion of the best flex space leads, unauthorized booking buttons could eat into profits and long-term sustainability.

These platforms need to be deeply and tightly integrated with the management systems, meeting room, access control, KYC/AML, IT provisioning systems too. Workspace operate very differently from restaurants, and it only takes 1 bad experience to turn a whole business away from flex workspaces, for ever.

Jamie Russo chats with Amy Toman, a local SEO expert, all about how coworking spaces Expand 👇 can/should/shouldn’t let members use their address for Google Maps.


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