Discussions » 🔫 C&Ds fired following WeWont campaign (🔗 Visit source)

TechCrunch reports that WeWork have fired a cease and desist over to Codi following the latter's "WeWont" popup marketing campaign. The C&D cites the "unauthorized use and misappropriation of WeWork’s intellectual property, false advertising and Tortious interference with WeWork’s contractual relations with its member companies".

Christelle Rohaut fired back saying they'd done nothing wrong when they set up booths outside WeWork offices in New York and San Francisco informing companies that their space might be shutting down, or by setting up a "WeWork Relief Fund" to provide discounted offices to businesses affected by closures.

What do you think? The popups outside spaces reminds me of another campaign some flex space brand did once. Worth noting that Codi categorically denies that they're a coworking company.

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