Discussions Β» πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Flex supply remains stable, despite decrease in national sqft coverage (πŸ”— Visit source)

Researchers at CoworkingCafe explored the coworking space stock availability for October in the 25 largest US markets, as well as their size and distribution.

Location wise: total flex location count is 6,172 (up 0.15% from Q2), whilst 13 markets saw a decrease in location count (Manhattan saw a 11% dip). Raleigh-Durham & Phoenix did see a 13% and 11% increase respectively.

Sqft-age wise: National square footage covered by flex dropped from 120M in June to 117M in October. Following locations, Manhattan and New Jersey saw 11% less sqft-age, whilst Phoenix saw an 8% bump.

Price wise: Median rate for virtual offices down $125 from $143, while open and fixed desk space remained at $149 and $329.

Brand wise: Regus, WeWork, Industrious, Spaces and Premier Workspace all logged 70% of their portfolios in the top 25 markets. WeWork did see a 17% drop in the number of coworking spaces, going from 217 spaces to 180 in the top markets analyzed.

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