Discussions Β» πŸ”¨ Could we still see WeWork go private and resold? (πŸ”— Visit source)

Keith Larsen from TheRealDeal shares an increasingly popular theory around why Yardi took a majority stake of WeWork, in that the former is looking to "fix and then flip" the latter for a "small profit". It's possible, but given the other properties Yardi owns in coworking, there still could be a pure

Even though I did call it that Yardi would become a WeWork investor back in 2013, I did then call that IWG would land up acquiring WeWork for the franchise play, I may still be 'in the money' as they say.

However, since then, a new player has started making waves with acquisitions within the franchise space. Could we see Vast Coworking Group move in here? What if Yardi takes WeWork private first?

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