Coworkies is a career platform targeted at coworking and flex spaces.
Coworkies is a career platform targeted at coworking and flex spaces.
Seeing results for "Dimitar Inchev". Return to all brand results
2 Results
Pauline Roussel, CEO of Coworkies, highlighted the journey of the past nine years since she and her partner Dimitar Inchev.
Congrats to the team and your community!
π¬ Discuss this Β· π Direct Link Β· β±οΈ 93 days ago Β· π© Week 46, 2024 Β· π Celebrations
Dimitar Inchev shares his email reply to a student who asked several questions regarding sustainability and coworking.
Questions answered include: how these kinds of spaces contribute to sustainability of our planet, what is oversimplified about their contribution, and what is nobody asking/saying about this? Dimitar then asked us all "What are your thoughts on coworking and sustainability?"
π¬ Discuss this Β· π Direct Link Β· β±οΈ 483 days ago Β· π© Week 42, 2023 Β· β Impact
These amazing coworking Patron Brands have upgraded toΒ support